Besides, we do not know much of Matthews church. As far as I know the Canaanite woman, she is a gentile, yes? They were the first who dared to push out of sight of land in their voyages and sail beyond the Pillars of Hercules into the ocean. Carmel on the South, or some 150 miles. ), when it passed to the Seleucids and from them to the Romans, who granted it a degree of autonomy with native magistrates and a council, and it was allowed to coin money in bronze.3. Sidon became early distinguished for its manufactures and the skill of its artisans, such as beautiful metal-work in silver and bronze and textile fabrics embroidered and dyed with the famous purple dye which became known as Tyrian, but which was earlier produced at Sidon. fe-nish'ya), it was a narrow sea coast strip of country on the n.w. So this lesson will focus on the meeting with the Canaanite woman. The chief reason for their being denounced by the prophets was their corrupt practices in worship and the baleful influence of the Baal and Astarte cult introduced by them into Israel through Ahab's marriage with Jezebel (1 Kings 16:31-33). This passage should have become instructive for the disciples, but they still had to meet and decide if the Gospel had in truth gone to the Gentiles, and if so what laws should Gentiles come under (Acts 15). In chapter fifteen Jesus challenged the teachings of the elders because those teachings had been elevated to the status of Scripture. ; precious stones and the articles of manufacture, the "multitude of handiworks," which they were so skillful in producing. As a Semitic people, such a characteristic was but natural and they seem to have possessed it in large measure. Carmel, 150 ms., and inland it extended about 10 ms. Her words open the old wounds. For example, when someone called Him good, He said, Why are you calling me good, there is no one good but God. How they responded to that would show what they thought of Him (He was not denying that He was good, or God). Zechariah 9:2 and Hamath, also, which borders on it; Tyre and Sidon, because they are very wise. It only takes a minute to sign up. But the earlier relations of the Phoenicians with Israel in the days of David and Solomon were friendly and mutually beneficial. Tyre reached its peak of power during the period of Phoenician independence (1200-800 BC) which included David and Solomon's time. Welcome to Christianity SE and thank you for your contribution. Jesus ministry may have focused on Israel first (as Pauls did, to the Jew first), but He extended mercy to all who would believe in Him. I might encourage to read through Exodus, Deuteronomy and Numbers, then Genesis [Chapter 36] as I believe the Word of Elohim reveals prophetically Jew and Gentile through Joshua and Caleb, the only 2 from the Exodus from Egypt who entered the Promised Land [Shadow of the Kingdom of Heaven]. It ends in Canada. His border will be on Sidon. Her faith was rewarded. She is a Gentile. The city was considered part of Phoenicia, which in the Old Testament stretched from Tyre in the south to Arvad in the north. They were the first to come into contact with the Greeks and we find the mention of them several times in Homer, while other Phoenician towns are not noticed. He had been in Gentile lands, and while that may have been a defilement in the minds of the Pharisees, it was not so in biblical tradition. I will simply make the circumstances the first point (v.21), the conversation the second part (vv. They were more attracted by the lands farther to the West.The greatest of their colonies was in Africa. The bulk of those who fled settled in North Africa in Carthage, and met their doom in 146 B.C., which essentially ended the curse on Canaan and any threat from Canaanites. One of the most corrupting tendencies we notice was the ascription of sexual characteristics to the chief deities of their pantheon, such as Baal and Ashtoreth, which led to licentious rites of the most abominable character.Baal ba`al; the Phoenician Baal was the chief deity and was universally worshipped, being usually designated by the locality in each place: Baal of Tyre or Baal-Tsur, Baal-Sidon, Baal-Tars (Tarsus), Baal-bek, etc. Carmel. Why is Ruth's child in the line of Boaz and not Mahlon? Carmel. 26 He replied, It is not right to take the childrens bread and toss it to their dogs. 27 Yes, Lord, she said, but even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their masters table.. To a Jewish audience in Jesus' day, Sidon was synonymous with wickedness. Porter. Joshua 11:8 Yahweh delivered them into the hand of Israel, and they struck them, and chased them to great Sidon, and to Misrephoth Maim, and to the valley of Mizpeh eastward. 11:20-22 ). The woman described in the miracle, the Syrophoenician woman (Mark 7:26) is also called a "Canaanite" (Matthew 15:22) and is an unidentified New Testament woman from the region of Tyre and Sidon. HistoryLITERATURE1. The Conversation: Jesus draws faith out of the Canaanite woman (22-28a).The way that Jesus deals with this woman has been given some very strange interpretations. For if the mighty works had been done in Tyre and Sidon which were done in you, they would have repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes. If commutes with all generators, then Casimir operator? But the womans answer is marvelous: even the dogs eat the crumbs that the children drop. Luke 10:14 But it will be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon in the judgment than for you. Historical:(1) The independence of Sidon was lost when the kings of the XVIIIth and XIXth Dynasties of Egypt added Palestine and Syria to their dominions (1580-1205 B.C.). Strong's Concordance #H6721, #G4605. The woman pleaded and pleaded with Jesus until . Commerce and Trade:Trade was the very life of Phoenicia. He will be for a haven of ships. Their superiority is testified to by classical writers. Their chief object, however, was trade. "Zebulun shall dwell at the haven of the sea; and he shall be for an haven of ships; and his border shall be unto Zidon" (Genesis 49:13). The Cross And Separation From The World (1 Peter 4:1-6), 7. It ends in Calgary, Canada. Also a town and harbor on the s.w. Judges 18:28 There was no deliverer, because it was far from Sidon, and they had no dealings with any man; and it was in the valley that lies by Beth Rehob. According to certain biblical passages, the name Canaan applied to an area along the coast of the Mediterranean, including the important cities of Tyre and Sidon (e.g., Num. 22 A Canaanite woman from that vicinity came to Him, crying out, Lord, Son of David, have mercy on me! The promontories are few and do not project far into the sea, such as Theu-prosopon South of Tripolis, Ras Beirut and the broad projection South of Tyre including Ras el-`Abyadh and Ras en-Naqura and Ras el-Musheirifeh (see LADDER OF TYRE). They came with one accord to him, and, having made Blastus, the king's personal aide, their friend, they asked for peace, because their country depended on the king's country for food. About 12 miles North of Beirut is the Dog River (Lycus), a very short stream but noted for the famous pass at its mouth, where Egyptian Assyrian and Babylonian kings engraved their monuments; and a few miles South of Jebail (Gebal) is the Adonis (Nahr Ibrahim), which comes down from 'Afqa (Apheca equals Aphek, Joshua 13:4 ), noted for the rites This was coupled with great industry and skill in the manufacture of the various articles which furnished the materials of their extended commerce. They were of Semitic stock, if we may judge by their language and characteristics. Tyre and Sidon Jesus compared Chorazin and Bethsaida to Tyre and Sidon ( Matt. What is clear is that the woman was not going to give up, but kept pleading, even from her Canaanite background, so that Christ recognized her great faith. 21 Leaving that place, Jesus withdrew to the region of Tyre and Sidon. Today each is just a shadow of their former selves. But here in Gentile territory he met a woman who was convinced He was the Messiah and He could not discourage her efforts. He is the author of Introducing Biblical Hebrew and Grammar, Holiness to the Lord: A Guide to the Exposition of the Book of Leviticus, Creation and Blessing: A Guide to the Study and Exposit More. long by 200 wide, well protected by little islets and a breakwater, and a southern about 600 by 400 yards, surrounded on three sides by land, but open to the West, and thus exposed in bad weather. Your request is granted. And her daughter was healed from that very hour. 1 Chronicles 1:13 And Canaan begat Zidon his firstborn, and Heth, Sidon. She was especially honored at Carthage and to her most exalted names are given, such as "the parent of all"; "the highest of the gods"; "the mistress of the elements," etc. What differentiates living as mere roommates from living in a marriage-like relationship? Tyre is located in Lebanon. Their cities included Tyre, Sidon, Sarepta, Byblos, Arvad and Amrit. The Land2. She wants some of the uncovenanted mercy of God, His general saving grace to all people. Dagon (daghon) seems to have been the tutelary deity of Aradus, his head appearing on the early autonomous coins of that city. Is it only not being in one of the twelve tribes of Israel? This is equivalent to 3 187 kilometers or 1,721 nautical miles. The people early became mariners, and the dominion of the sea was more inviting to them, and they found room for expansion in the islands and on the coast of the Mediterranean, where they established colonies far and wide. Also the sounds of "y" and "w" are unrepresented. Location and Distinction:One of the oldest Phoenician cities, situated on a narrow plain between the range of Lebanon and the sea, in latitude 33 degrees 34 minutes nearly. You will discover that while Caleb is recorded in Numbers 13 as of the line of Judah, you will discover that Caleb is in fact a gentile [proselyte] grafted in, of the the Kennizites [descendants of Esau]. Carmel, 150 ms., and inland it extended about 10 ms. It was a major Phoenician seaport from about 2000 bce through the Roman period. Unfortunately, the Church spends the greatest amount of time, money and energy continuing its work at home, when the greatest responses to the Gospel today are in the third world. Mark 7:30 She went away to her house, and found the child having been laid on the bed, with the demon gone out. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. His answer, reflecting what He has already said in 10:6, focuses on His primary mission in the world, as reflected by Matthew. Other points along the coast were occupied, and the island of Rhodes as well as certain ports on the south coast of Crete, and most of the islands of the Aegean. Our collection of maps are simple and they are free. Do Reformed, Protestant, Trinitarians regard the consecutive names in Luke 3:23-38 as the number of generations from Christ back to Adam? The total straight line flight distance from Toronto, Canada to Calgary, Canada is 1,689 miles. They passed along the western coast of Africa as far as Cape Non, and perhaps farther, for Herodotus tells us that Pharaohnecoh dispatched a crew of Phoenician sailors to circumnavigate Africa, which they accomplished in 3 years.We know that they had a fleet in the Red Sea sailing from Elath or Ezion-geber (1 Kings 9:26, 27), and it is quite possible that they were allowed by some of the kings of Egypt to avail themselves of ports on the other branch of the Red Sea. There we have mention of nearly all the regions of Western Asia, Egypt, Greece and the islands, and Spain, indicated by the names of races, tribes and countries. Facebook Twitter. This will become a major part of the study, for there is obviously something powerful at work in the ethnic dimension of the conversation. They built the city, and lived therein. She acknowledged she was a dog and that even dogs [like her] know their master [Lord]. Canaan's population was not homogeneous. Will you repay me? Map. He was the Son of David, the Messiah. But the citizens, learning of the treachery, first burned their fleet and then their houses, perishing with their wives and children rather than fall into the hands of Ochus, who butchered all whom he seized, Tabnit among them. Julius treated Paul kindly, and gave him permission to go to his friends and refresh himself. They must have visited the eastern shore of Africa and perhaps struck across the Indian Ocean, after skirting the coast of Arabia, and thus carried on trade with India. In the early Iron Age, the most important were Byblos and Sidon, but later Tyre assumed the ascendancy (Ez 27). The mineral products are few, and the Phoenicians depended on their colonies and other lands for what they needed of these.2. It [gentile] depending on context can be referred to in scripture as [Strongs 1495] meaning idol worshipper Interestingly the woman is challenged by Yeshua when he tells her "I was sent for the lost sheep of the house of Israel", she asked again and Yeshua said, "it is not right to take the childrens bread and throw it to the dogs. I. We cannot suppose, however, that it was very extensive or very important, as more of it would then have been preserved. About 12 miles North of Beirut is the Dog River (Lycus), a very short stream but noted for the famous pass at its mouth, where Egyptian Assyrian and Babylonian kings engraved their monuments; and a few miles South of Jebail (Gebal) is the Adonis (Nahr Ibrahim), which comes down from 'Afqa (Apheca equals Aphek, Joshua 13:4), noted for the rites of Venus and Adonis (see TAMMUZ); and the Eleutherus, already mentioned, which runs through the valley between Bargylus and Lebanon and provides the pass between these two mountains into the interior. The Bible says that when Jesus travelled to the region of Tyre and Sidon, a Canaanite woman came to him and begged him to save her daughter from a demon. This territory, known as the Levant, is roughly the areas of modern-day Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, western Jordan, and western Syria. The contracted limits of the land forbade any extensive agriculture, and the people were forced to get their living by other means. It was reported that it was in response to a request from Bashir Gemayel in connection with ongoing Syrian attacks on Phalangist positions around Zahle. But this is one passage where the reader will have to read up on the ethnic controversy, the Old Testament background of conflict between the kings of Israel and the Canaanites. Sidon had a monarchical form of government, as did all the Phoenician towns, but it also held a sort of hegemony over those to the South as far as the limit of Phoenicia. Your flight direction from California to Canada is Northeast (26 degrees from North). Tyre Tyre, modern Arabic r, French Tyr or Sour, Latin Tyrus, Hebrew Zor or Tsor, town on the Mediterranean coast of southern Lebanon, located 12 miles (19 km) north of the modern border with Israel and 25 miles (40 km) south of Sidon (modern ayd). Deuteronmy 7 gives an insight into the origin of gentile, in essence NOT Yahweh's peoplefurthermore in the greek text the term for "Gentile" is [Strongs 1484], literally meaning of the nations. It rises to a height of 10,200 ft. in the highest point, East of Tripolis, and to 8,500 in Jebel Sunnin, East of Beirut, and the average elevation is from 5,000 to 6,000 ft. Their caravans threaded all the well-beaten routes of the East, the deserts of Arabia and the mountain defiles of Armenia and Asia Minor, and their ships pushed boldly out to sea and explored the Mediterranean and the Euxine and did not hesitate to brave the unknown dangers of the Atlantic and perhaps even penetrated to the Baltic, emulating the mariners of a later day in their zeal for discovery and search for new avenues of trade. And that attitude played out again and again in Pauls missionary journey when he turned to Gentiles because the Jews did not want their Messiah, but the Gentiles did. The attempt was not renewed, but many colonies were established over-sea. Malaca (Malaga) and Abdera, within the straits, were likewise important settlements, and there were others of less note.The colonial enterprise of the Phoenicians was remarkable for the age, and was only surpassed in ancient times by the Greeks who came later, the former being the pioneers. But it is doubtful whether they really colonized the mainland of Greece. He was regarded as the god of the generative principle in Nature, and his statues were sometimes flanked by bulls. Mark 7:25 For a woman, whose little daughter had an unclean spirit, having heard of him, came and fell down at his feet. He was identified with Zeus, and he appears on the coins under the Greek type of Zeus, seated on a throne, holding an eagle in the outstretched right hand and a scepter in the left. Sidon. PHENICIA (pron. PHENICIA (pron. Now we begin to see Gods signswhen we then read Ezekiel 36,37 and Jeremiah 31:31, the New Covenant [the Holy Spirit of God in us], it is for the fulfillment of Gods Covenant Promise to Israel [Prince of Yahweh]thus the lost [dispersed] sheep of the House of Israel. The purchase of the land on which the citadel of Carthage was built may illustrate the opinion of the ancients regarding them, but we ought to remember that trickery and deceit are charged against them by their enemies, who alone have handed down accounts of them. Mark 7:24 From there he arose, and went away into the borders of Tyre and Sidon. Joel 3:4 "Yes, and what are you to me, Tyre, and Sidon, and all the regions of Philistia? In sculpture the style is stiff and conventional, much of it exceedingly rude, and lacks expression. Because of its seaports and corresponding trade the Canaanite empire became a dominant power in the third millennium B.C. Parabolic, suborbital and ballistic trajectories all follow elliptic paths. Mark 7:26 Now the woman was a Greek, a Syrophoenician by race. The woman came crying out to Jesus, Lord, Son of David, have mercy on me! How far is it from Canada to the South Pole? Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. Adonis ('adhon, "lord") was regarded as the son of Cinyras, a mythic king of Gebal and the husband of Ashtoreth. The longest ones in Phoenician proper are those from Sidon, the most famous of which is that of Esmunazer, king of Sidon, comprising 298 words. The names Tyre and Sidon were famous in the ancient Near East. On the whole the judgment of history assigns to this people a high position for their enterprise and skill in carrying on their trade, and in being the pioneers of civilization in many of the Mediterranean lands, especially by their introduction of alphabetical writing, which was by far the most valuable of all their contributions to the culture of the ancient world.4. These plains furnished only a portion of the food needed by the inhabitants who were more or less dependent on their neighbors for it (1 Kings 5:11 Acts 12:20).The rivers of Phoenicia are comparatively short and small; the Litany rises in the Buka', between Lebanon and Anti-Lebanon, and finds its way in a deep and narrow gorge between Lebanon and Mt. The promontory rises to a height of 500 ft. or more near the sea and to more than double that elevation in its course to the Southeast.Mt. In the Old Testament we find it included in the land belonging to the Canaanites or to Sidon (Genesis 10:19; Genesis 49:13 Joshua 11:8 1 Kings 17:9). Q. Your trip begins in Toronto, Canada. Besides, the Gospel of Matthew had already included such a statement by Jesus in Matthew 10:6. (2) Sidon submitted to the Assyrian kings as did the Phoenician cities generally, but revolted against Sennacherib and again under Esar-haddon. Your trip begins in the state of Texas. Inscriptions from the temple of Esmun recently discovered give the name of a Bodastart and a son Yatonmelik, but whether the first is one of the Stratos above mentioned or a third is uncertain; also whether the son ever reigned or not. This map shows the cities known as Tyre and Sidon in the land of Phoenicia near ancient Israel. The Cross And Our Response to Trials (1 Peter 4:12-19), 8. Zimrida / Zimredda / Zimr-Edda (I) King? Hermon to the South, and finally turns westward and reaches the sea a few miles North of Tyre, where it is called the Kasimiyeh. It is said that 40,000 perished in the flames. The Conclusion: Jesus rewards her faith by healing her daughter (28b). Why Does Matthew not give Jesus Christ's genealogy from Adam? This little story is essentially built around the conversation between the woman and Jesus. It is the setting and her words that prompt the disciples, and then Jesus, to respond the way they do. Where do I get to when I dig a hole in Canada through the centre of the earth? tar command with and without --absolute-names option. Even there you will have no rest.". David and his royal successors managed to control them; Solomon even did business with them when he was building he temple. Can my creature spell be countered if I cast a split second spell after it? of Palestine, on the Mediterranean seashore and had Tyre, Sidon and Accho as its chief towns. Bible Maps. shore of Crete, now called Phinneka near point Lutro, 42 ms. w.n.w. And if you repay me, I will swiftly and speedily return your repayment on your own head. The Lord was going to this Canaanite area, to this Canaanite woman. Each one is governed by an Egyptian official. The total driving distance from Toronto, Canada to Calgary, Canada is 2,120 miles or 3 412 kilometers. The latter destroyed a large part of the city and carried off most of the inhabitants, replacing them by captives from Babylon and Elam, and renamed it Ir-Esar-had-don ("City of Esar-haddon"). She begged him that he would cast the demon out of her daughter. Behold, I have commanded a widow there to sustain you.". The name was probably first applied to the region opposite Cyprus, from Gabala to Aradus and Marathus, where the date-palm was observed, and then, as it was found in still greater abundance farther South, it was applied to that region also. It was not of great importance during the Crusades, being far surpassed by Acre, and in modern times it is a small town of some 15,000.LITERATURE.See PHOENICIA.H. Dr Ross joined the faculty of Beeson Divinity School in 2002 as Beeson Professor of Old Testament and Hebrew. The Church has done such an effective job in this that many Jewish people today have to be reminded that Jesus is their Messiah, a Jew (the Church has adopted a triumphalist or replacement attitude toward the Jews which has not been a healthy or correct approach). Their bronze was of good quality and was tempered so as to serve well for edged tools. But it began with Israel). Maps are essential for any serious Bible study. What's the function to find a city nearest to a given latitude? Jesus was trying to control the timing of things. Tyre and Sidon were the two main Phoenician cities just north of Mount Carmel on the coast. Ezekiel 27:8 The inhabitants of Sidon and Arvad were your rowers: your wise men, Tyre, were in you, they were your pilots. The other work is genuine; the short account of the voyage of a Carthaginian king beyond the Pillars of Hercules, called the Periplus of Hanno, is not without merit as a narrative, and indicates that the Carthaginian branch of the Phoenician race, at least, may have had a literature of some value, but it is unfortunately lost. Woe to you, Bethsaida! The Cross And Unjust Suffering (1 Peter 2:19-25). How to force Unity Editor/TestRunner to run at full speed when in background? Lord, help me! she said. The word Canaan is the ancient name of the whole land before Abram arrived. In the fifteenth chapter of the Gospel of Matthew we begin to see signs of the tide turning against Jesus by the leaders of the country, and accordingly Jesus turning more to the Gentiles. Antipode: -60.10867,66.35742. Is there a generic term for these trajectories? The Cross And Christs Suffering For Sins (1 Peter 3:18-22), 6. The kingdom had to be fully offered to them first, in fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecies of the kingdom. At first Jesus was silent, no doubt to see if she would persevere--and she did, following Him down the street crying out. Then, as we shall see, in chapter sixteen Jesus will give His first prediction of His death. fe-nish'ya), it was a narrow sea coast strip of country on the n.w. As to their origin and the time of their migration to the Syrian coast, it is more difficult to determine. He withdrew from the conflict with the Pharisees and elders about thirty to fifty miles north into Gentile country. In the famous expedition of Xerxes to Greece the Phoenician ships excelled all others in speed, and the king chose one of them when he embarked upon the sea (Herodotus vii.100). Lebanon, which forms the background of Phoenicia for about 100 miles, is a most striking feature of the landscape. In this, however, they were far surpassed by the Greeks. It ends in Canada. The short answer is yes. According to Genesis 9:18 and Genesis 10:6, Canaan was a son of Ham, one of the three sons of Noah. The Colonies:The narrowness of the land and the difficulty of expansion on account of the lofty mountain ranges and the hostility of the tribes of the interior led the Phoenicians to turn seaward for an outlet to their increasing population. Tyre is situated on the Mediterranean coast directly north of Jerusalem between the mountains of Lebanon and the Mediterranean Sea, about 20 miles south of Sidon and 23 miles north of Acre. Bible Meaning: Fishery, hunting. Judges 1:31 Asher didn't drive out the inhabitants of Acco, nor the inhabitants of Sidon, nor of Ahlab, nor of Achzib, nor of Helbah, nor of Aphik, nor of Rehob; Judges 10:6 The children of Israel again did that which was evil in the sight of Yahweh, and served the Baals, and the Ashtaroth, and the gods of Syria, and the gods of Sidon, and the gods of Moab, and the gods of the children of Ammon, and the gods of the Philistines; and they forsook Yahweh, and didn't serve him. What do I do about calling a priest father at my Catholic University? Their presence in the land was a strong threat to the purity of Israels religion and morality. Put another way, Israel [Gods people] are those in Covenant Relationship, born of his seed, through his circumcision of our hearts. 9. GPS Coordinates (DMS) 33 16 23.9880'' N 35 11 38.0040'' E : Latitude: It, at one time, included Dor on the s. of Mt. (The passage is like John 4:22 where it was recognized that salvation is from the Jews.) So all the woman could do is ask for mercy, general mercy as a non-Israelite. Hiram, king of Tyre, was not pleased with Solomon's gift of 20 cities in Galilee, probably not desiring to assume responsibility for their defense. Why do Matthew and Luke contain genealogies of Jesus, while Mark and John do not? This is equivalent to 3 217 kilometers or 1,737 nautical miles. He healed the daughter of a Gentile woman ( Matt. According to both accounts, Jesus exorcised the woman's daughter whilst travelling in the region of Tyre and Sidon, on account of the faith shown by the woman. Is the Canaanite woman from Tyre and Sidon a Gentile or not? It likewise made one attempt to establish an inland colony at Laish or Dan, near the headwaters of the Jordan, but this ended in disaster (Judges 18:7, 27, 28). See also Matthew 11:21 and Mark 3:8.It was noted for its school of philosophy under Augustus and Tiberius, its inhabitants being largely Greek; and when Berytus was destroyed by an earthquake in 551, its great law school was removed to Sidon. The People4. But why did Jesus go to the region? Slaves were among the articles of merchandise in which they traded (Ezekiel 27:13 Joel 3:6), but this could hardly be charged against them as a great sin when slavery was universal. There were still people of various ethnic origins living in the area of todays Lebanon and Syria, and they would be called Canaanites (like our term Americans). III. We know they reached the Scilly Isles in Britain, and probably the Baltic, whither they went for amber, though this might have been brought overland to the Adriatic and received into their ships there. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. In its greatest extent Phoenicia included the broad plain of Sharon and that of Acre, between Carmel and that city, and a portion of the region watered by the Kishon, but the plains of Phoenicia, strictly speaking, are much more restricted. He did not want people to make Him king, and He did not want the confrontation with His enemies to come to a head too soon. Well, this woman would not be put off, and so knelt before Him and begged, Lord, help me. Jesus pushed her a little further, reminding her of the historic distinction between the cursed Canaanites and the blessed Israelites. The finer qualities of it were so precious that only the very wealthy, or kings and princes, could obtain it, and it became at last a synonym of royalty. ", Mark 7:28 But she answered him, "Yes, Lord. Its length was from Arvad to Mt. Though it says some either Nephilim or other names, Children of Anak were alive after flood so probably more people etc? They could mean, Send her away because she is a nuisance. Or they could mean, Send her away by healing her because she wont go away. This last interpretation makes the best sense, because Jesus answer in verse 24 speaks to it and not the other. They are: the plain of Tyre, long but narrow, extending from Ras el-`Abyadh to Sarepta; the plain of Sidon extending from Sarepta to the Bostrenus (Nahr el-'Auly); the plain of Beirut (Berytus) between the extensive sand dunes along the shore and the rocky cape on the West and the foot of Lebanon, 10 or 12 miles long but only one or two wide, containing one of the largest olive groves in Syria; the very small plain of Tripolis, including that city and its port; and, the most extensive of all, the plain of Marathus, extending from Arka to Aradus or even beyond, including the river Eleutherus (Nahr el-Kebir). The Phoenicians, however, were later able to extend their southern border as far as Jaffa. Matthew 11:22 But I tell you, it will be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon on the day of judgment than for you.